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Gallaudet University Spring 2019 Internship and Job Fair

Mar 1, 2019 - Mar 1, 2019 Gallaudet University, Field House Gymnasium, , , ,

Employer's Perspective:

  • Meet a high number of prospects in shortest possible amount of time
  • Eliminate the less desirable prospects, saving the most desirable candidates for actual interviews

Student's Perspective:

  • Face-to-face interaction with potential employers
  • Learn about opportunities, the hiring process, and make your best first impression (aimed at getting an interview)

First Impression Counts!

Consider the fact that the employer will be meeting many prospects in a short time, averaging a few minutes with each. You can leave a strong first impression on the employer if you are prepared for the job fair.

  • Research and find out which employers are attending, at the same time become more familiar with the company's background, long term and short term goals and positions available
  • Prepare your "Two Minute Commercial", an opportunity for you to advertise yourself to the employers. Introduce your name, your major(s) and highlights of your work experiences, skills and abilities. Practice this "two minute commercial" with other people.
  • Dress up. It is always better to overdress than under dress. Bring neat portfolio or binder to keep your resumes and any other documents (reference letter, extra paperwork from employers). Image is crucial!
  • Body Language and Etiquette counts! When meeting with employers, be aware of your body language; use eye contact, firm handshake, and smile. Do not slouch or appear to be tired. Show enthusiasm. Be appreciative of their time with you.
  • Wrap up with the employers by asking for their business card and contact information and discuss briefly about the application process. Offer to follow up.
  • Follow up with a thank you letter. Many experts agree on this, as this will give you an advantage over other prospects.


  • Use your interpreter wisely, have him/her interpret what other people are saying as if you were able to overhear them
  • Behave professionally at all times
  • Bring business cards if possible
  • If waiting in line, use the time to read about company's mission statement or other related information